The Benefits of High-Quality Protein and How It Can Help You

Learn about the benefits of high-quality proteins and how they can help you maintain muscle mass, reduce overall muscle loss, support body growth & maintenance.

The Benefits of High-Quality Protein and How It Can Help You

When it comes to nutrition, the quality of a protein is essential for providing the best benefits. To maintain muscle mass, it is important for older people to consume protein “effectively”, which means eating foods with high-quality protein, such as lean meats. A study conducted at Harvard among more than 130,000 men and women showed that the percentage of calories in total protein intake was not related to overall mortality or to specific causes of death. A physical therapist may suggest that you include more high-quality protein in your diet as part of your overall program. If you consume a protein with a digestibility score of 90%, for every 10 g you take in, you would absorb 9 g and excrete 1 g.

For more information on nutritions and how to incorporate them into your diet, be sure to check out our nutritions blog for helpful tips and advice. If you combine different plant protein sources, you can get adequate amounts of all nine essential amino acids. Studies have revealed that people who train with weights and do not consume additional protein (either in food or protein powders) still gain muscle at the same rate as those who train with weights and supplement their diets with protein. Examples of complementary proteins include a combination of legumes and grains, such as red beans and rice, or vegetables and legumes, like those found in a 9-bean vegetable soup. There are several complete proteins that contain the desired levels of amino acids, biological value and digestible value. You can still fill your diet with the protein you need, even if you never want to put any animals in your mouth. The body can draw on this reserve and take the exact amino acids it needs to create a larger protein molecule needed for one function or another and leave behind what it doesn't need right now.

All this means that consuming a single source of plant-based protein cannot support the body's growth and maintenance. A physical therapist knows that high-quality proteins can build lean muscles and reduce overall muscle loss. Some cereal and cereal products are also sources of protein, but they are generally not as high in protein as meat and meat alternatives. Protein is found throughout the body in muscles, bones, skin, hair, and virtually every other part or tissue of the body. The effects of protein deficiency and malnutrition vary in severity, from stunted growth and loss of muscle mass to decreased immunity, weakening of the heart and respiratory system, and death. Whether you're working on the weekends or you're a committed athlete, a combination of healthy protein intake and a detailed physical therapy program can help you perform at your best physical level.

The same healthy, protein-containing foods that are good options for disease prevention can also help with weight control.