Does Protein Powder Have a Lot of Fat?

Protein powder is low in fat and calories, so it won't cause weight gain unless you consume more calories than you burn. Learn about the benefits of protein powder for weight loss.

Does Protein Powder Have a Lot of Fat?

Protein powders are an excellent source of this nutrient because they are generally low in fat, portable, easy to access and can be added to whatever you want to increase protein, says Kristen F. Consuming proteins in excess can hinder weight loss if you don't eat fewer calories or exercise. To make a nutrient-rich, whole food alternative to protein powder-based shakes, simply combine them with dairy or vegetable milk, fruits and green leafy vegetables of your choice. Research suggests that protein supplements significantly improve muscle size and strength in healthy adults who perform resistance exercises, such as lifting weights.

Taking protein supplements after a workout can aid recovery by reducing muscle damage and improving muscle performance. A high-protein diet is an effective way to lose weight and body fat. Plant-based protein powders can also benefit those who do not include animal and dairy proteins in their diet. If you consume more calories than you burn (whether those calories come from whey protein shakes or any other type of whey protein), your body will store the excess energy.

Protein shakes can decrease appetite by affecting hunger hormones and helping you feel full for longer. Your body also uses more energy to digest proteins than it does fat or carbohydrates, which means it burns more calories in the process. Protein shakes are a practical way to add more protein to the diet and have even been shown to help you lose weight. It's important to look for complete protein sources that contain essential amino acids, which the body cannot produce on its own.

Because of its association with muscle development, many believe that consuming whey protein powder or supplements in other forms will cause them to gain weight. However, this is not necessarily true. Protein powder is low in fat and calories, so it won't cause weight gain unless you consume more calories than you burn.